It's been a little while...

It’s been a very interesting past 6 months, lots have changed!

I’ve decided I will not be finishing my graphic design degree at this time and will be focusing on my illustrations and fursuits instead for now.

Speaking of fursuits. We have a new website for our fursuit side of InkyPawPrintsStudio as well as a sub business name! Check out Bewitched Paws; our official fursuit business name for both DaftFur (my husband) and I!

Also, HUSBAND! That’s also massive news! I recently got married (February 14th)! This is been part of why things have been slow to being updated here on InkyPawPrintsStudio! Like I said, LOTS of changes.

As of last semester, I had started taking watercolor classes at the local university. I’ve really fallen in love with the medium and plan to work that into my traditional illustrations. I’m enrolled in my final watercolor class (for now) at the university and will be finishing that up this spring.

Starting last semester I started doing Playing Cards, for a custom deck of Furry Illustrated playing cards for poker and other card games! That was very successful and finished it in great timing! We had a kickstarter back in January that was funded to my goal point and will be published here before very long! I’ll have these decks for sale at Texas Furry Fiesta as well as many more cons and in my online store. Check out my new album of watercolor paintings to see these and other paintings that have been completed in the past few months! There will also be many more paintings from this spring and upcoming months that will also be added to the folder.

On an expansion of the playing cards, this semester I took on the task of illustrating and painting a series of Tarot cards. I’ve started for now with the major arcana, and decided to blow these up into larger paintings so I can have more freedom to experiment with detailing. I’ll be uploading these paintings into the album I mentioned earlier when they are finished.

Anyways, that’s all I have for now! Check out my Upcoming Cons list to see where I plan on vending this year!